Where exactly is Georgia?
Georgia is located in the Northern and Western Hemisphere, and can be found in the southeastern section of The United States. Georgia's climate is mild and humid, persuading many to migrate here because of the pleasant weather. Thankfully, winters are gentle, with only light snowfall in the north, and summers are pleasant also. However, in recent years, Georgia has battled tough droughts greatly affecting Georgia's agriculture, lakes, and rivers. Finally, overall Georgia's climate is moderate and very pleasurable to anyone visiting or wishing to stay here.
Geographic Regions, Cities, and Rivers in Georgia:
In all, Georgia contains five geographic regions all differentiating in climate and population. The Blue ridge region receives the most rainfall and contains the highest mountain ranges whereas the Piedmont region has the highest population of them all. Despite the Coastal region's large size, the biggest region in Georgia, it does not have the largest population. In contrast, the Appalachian Plateau is the smallest in area and is often known and referred to as the tag corner. In addition to the geographic regions, Georgia contains many significant cities, rivers, and geographic locations. The barrier islands shield Georgia from harsh storms, often preventing brutal damage to the mainland, while also providing a popular tourist hot spot in the warm summers. Georgia's Fall Line divides the Coastal Plain from the Piedmont Region and is the place where the trees start to gradually become less abundant. The Okefenokee Swamp is located in South Georgia and is also a popular tourist destination, bringing in important revenue to Georgia's government and cities. The Chattahoochee and Savannah rivers were once used frequently for transportation and shipping of goods, however, now they are mostly used for shipping goods and such rather than transporting people. Finally, some of Georgia's large cities are Augusta, Macon, Savannah, Atlanta, Columbus and more.
Georgia Maps:

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